Indeed, the hearts of the women, youth, and children
of Nepal rejoiced in the training and fellowship that
they attended last December 11–18, 2022 in Itahari.
The week-long event was led by the United Women
in Faith (UWiF) Asia and the Pacific, headed by
Regional Missionary Emma Cantor. Workshops on
leadership development, gender and health, and
economic empowerment were held. More than a
hundred people participated in the activities (30
women, 35 youth, and 50 children).
The participants from the Nepal United Methodist
Church expressed their gratitude to the Lord for using
the UWiF to bless them with their presence and
seminar. They summed up their learning experience
with three simple but meaningful words: HAPPINESS,

“I have seen the happiness in the eyes
of women during our seminar,”, shares
Alisha Gacchadar, one of the Christian
women leaders in Nepal.
She explains that they are very happy
because many women in their country
never had the opportunity to learn and
go outside of their homes. Even
women church leaders or pastor’s
wives don’t usually have the
opportunity of a learning experience
that will help them in their life and
“Even after the seminar, I have been
receiving phone calls from the
participants telling me how happy
they are and how they are using the
things they have learned,”, continues

The participants also shared that the
training helped them change the way
they think about themselves. They had
the time to reflect deeply on who they
are in God’s eyes.
Alisha said that she and the other
women participants realized that “God
did not make a woman for her to only
work inside the house. God made
women to live their lives, make
families, and make society beautiful
with their presence.”

The participants said that no one can
imagine the world without a woman. They
discussed the important role of women in
their family and in our society. They
challenged each other to make meaningful
changes in their lives.
“We women need to empower ourselves.
We have to come out from the four corners
of our square room,”, Alisha calls on.

The participants concluded that the seminar
has given them hope to learn more things
which will be helpful in their life and ministry.

They recognize that the society is male-dominant that is why there should be
more opportunities for women to learn. They are hoping there will be more of this
kind of seminar that the UWiF conducted. They are even suggesting doing this
seminar every four months. In her closing remark, Alisha told us, “Please keep
praying for our ministry in Nepal.” Amen to that.