Faith Story of Mommy Lumen, a retired State University Instructor,

a pastor , a widow , mother.

Article Contributor: Ms Hannah Abadilla, UWFRMI Volunteer on Programs

This is Dulit , one of the mission areas of Pastor Lumen . She bought the place upon her retirement from the State University  and stays in  this place not for her to rest and retire but   she visioned to make the place a safe space for children.  A place where the children can  come around to sing, to draw, to pray and listen to Jesus Stories.    most Mothers of these children  stay at home  tends to chores and look after their childrens welfare.  While the  fathers if there are any  are the one who work for a living.  

 The   first time I visited Dulit , I fell in love with the ministry ,  For me it is a selfless offering of time  and resources.   Pastor Lumen ,  since she  retires from work, continues to use her time  to reach out for children whom she can share the stories of Jesus, give them food , clothing, let them play around the area . We have learned that there are not much financial support coming  from the church for the children to engage in different activities, What is amazing with these children is they do not even complain to whatever they received from givers .  What ever good thing that is brought to them they receive it with grateful hearts .  

 In our visit , United Women in Faith taught Self Care  , good sanitation and love for the environment , which they enjoyed very much . On Self Care, each child put into drawing their emotions when Jesus answered their prayers. If the receive gifts, food, toys, how do they feel about the giver, about the thing.

On Clean Environment , the children are able to make a Friendship Tree. To have a clean air, each taught to dispose little trashes properly and plant more trees .  

We do not forget also to bring simple food to share with and simple things to reward their hardwork.  Because as Pastor Lumen says when we share Jesus , it is important that we do not just nourish their spiritual being , we should also nourish their Physical being and at the end of the day they shold feel happy and blessed.    I love the ministry in Dulit.

Pastor Lumen is a retired University Instructor , a widow , a pastor’s wife and with three children ( one of them died of illness) .